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Coffee 1:57 Tue May 16
How long will Donald Trump survive?
It's been the most eventful start to any presidency, but probably not as Mr Trump would have liked it.

This latest accusation of passing confidential information to the Russian ambassador and foreign minister will most likely stick around for some time, because it's not the sort of thing that's easy to refute without revealing more secrets. And the press has got its teeth into him and are hungry for more.

Will Trump be able to survive the whole of his term? Not if his big mouth and impulsiveness carry on as they've been going.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Darby_ 4:01 Thu Dec 28
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
Another quality “insurgent” Breitbart candidate, Paul Nehlen.

“And he showcased his copy of a book, “The Culture of Critique,” in which author Kevin MacDonald argues that “millions of people have been killed as a result of the failure of Jewish assimilation into European societies.”

But as recently as Dec. 11, when Nehlen joined Bannon and a host of conservative speakers at GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore’s final rally in Alabama, he was one of the higher-profile insurgent candidates running at the Republican “establishment” from the right.”

Looks like the alternative to “the establishment” is pedophiles and anti-Semites.

Coffee 12:14 Sun Dec 3
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
What's happened to this thread? So much to say about Donny babe now...

Coffee 5:55 Fri Dec 1
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
The man is coarse, vulgar and dangerous.

charleyfarley 2:10 Thu Nov 30
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
Meanwhile whilst we go into meltdown, looks like Trumpy has lost the plot bigly style, is now claiming AGAIN that Obama was NOT born in USA and that it wasn't his voice on the pussy tape even though he had previously apologised for it, the Russian investigation is closing in on him and questions raised about his mental state. Trump is destined for the nuthouse

, 7:57 Wed Nov 29
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
I see that Trump has been retweeting videos from the odious Jayda Frankenstein’s of Britian’s First.

charleyfarley 11:22 Tue Nov 28
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
Don't they like christmas jumpers where you are Sanfran

sanfrancis-co-uk 10:43 Tue Nov 28
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
Gav's barred from here.

charleyfarley 10:40 Tue Nov 28
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
Gav you moved on from Africa to Washington? You get about

Takashi Miike 10:38 Tue Nov 28
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
jealousy, no he just realised he was/is a no good cunt. I agree with him

HairyHammer 10:37 Tue Nov 28
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?

Rattling cages whilst acting like a crazy15 year old teen with insecurity issues and a rabid jealousy of the former president, that anything they had done before must now be eradicated whilst screaming "The press is evil and, how can I stop Freedom of Speech when it hurts me".
Yea he is rattling cages that is for sure, cages which no president with a semblance of intelligence would ever touch.

Nurse Ratched 10:36 Tue Nov 28
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
Arf! What NOW?? It's probably an allegation of historic sexual ABUSE. That's all the rage at the minute.

Takashi Miike 10:33 Tue Nov 28
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
rumours? 😂😂😂

DocMarten 10:20 Tue Nov 28
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
The fact that the MSM and establishment are trying soooooo badly to get him, he’s obviously rattling some cages. Good on him.

Hope he gets a second term.

zebthecat 10:15 Tue Nov 28
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
Gavros 9:46 Tue Nov 28

Has Kim Jung Un perfected his missile?

Hammer and Pickle 10:09 Tue Nov 28
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
That footage makes my skin crawl.

HairyHammer 10:08 Tue Nov 28
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
The man is beyond stupid anyone who cannot see that has got to be as worthless as as dog shit.
Did anyone see him supposedly honouring Navajo code talkers who served America during the second world war.
The president had said to the World War II veterans, "You're very, very special people.
"You were here long before any of us were here. Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas. But you know what? I like you. Because you are special."
The condescending way he put his hand on one of the old gentlemen and said "But you know what? I like you because you are special", was so fake, what he was saying inside is 'you are absolutely foreign to everything i believe but you have to believe that i am nice', as if they were little kids at a school.
How can people not see him for the pathetic mess that he is he no more acts like a President than a monkey at the zoo acts like a banker in the west end..

Gavros 9:46 Tue Nov 28
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
Rumours doing the rounds here in Washington that a new bombshell is going to drop imminently.

Hammer and Pickle 7:59 Fri Nov 24
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
There's a "cometh the time, cometh the man" air about Mueller, or at least Michael Flynn's (Trump's former National Security Advisor) team seems to think so.

Nutsin 4:59 Fri Nov 24
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
“I think a lot of people want him out badly”

You don’t say, where’d you get that nugget of info from, you’re not in the know are you?

Gavros 2:08 Fri Nov 24
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?
I think a lot of people want him out badly but it doesn't happen overnight. It's a slow, slow burn and Mueller seems to be good at letting the info out slow...because he knows trip is going to freak out and just put he's foot in it even more with every new development.

Westham67 1:53 Fri Nov 24
Re: How long will Donald Trump survive?

Have a listen its an investigative journalist with the factual links between Trump and Russia going back to USSR days in the 80s

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